The Spanish lads of “The Seed” are balancing on the subtle line between thrash metal and groovemetal. These guys know their people. Technically everything just matches perfectly, and these are no hollow-sounding words! Believe me. When you buy this album “From Nowhere to No One”, you will spontaneously think of post-thrash and classic-inspired metal neck breakers. You can almost feel the energetic heat of “Vulgar Display of Power” (Pantera), “…And They Shall Take Up Serpents” (Byzantine) or “Morbid Visions” (Sepultura). Great! “To Anyone from Anywhere” is the door knocker of this 12-track disc and it immediately has a divine industrial ambient atmosphere. A perfect opener for a killer song like “Master of Men”. Simply adorable! The song has an Anthrax-like aura and who can be disappointed with such a compliment? Maybe the song is not that iconic as a Prong song, but it has the right dash. It offers a spring tide of rhythm changes and enthusiastic bass patterns. The drumming lines are terrific: the instrument handling has to be perfect for a energetic soundwall as this one is.
This is a mammoth start. “From Nowhere to No One” takes you further back in music history, and guarantees some eighties metal sounds. Song number five “The Yellow Path” starts with an almost Metallica-like guitar piece. The blistering and wailing grunts, nurturing guitar and bass lines and crushing drumming makes the sound shattering in an enthusiastic raging howl. This is an album with fierce, technical and passionate music. I simply love the vocals. Song nine “By My Own” even made me think of a purest Lamb of God track. Oh man, this album is more than successful.
The only snag of “From Nowhere to No One” probably is that there are no real peaks to be found among the actually lovely tracks. It even creates a somehow tedious aura, surrounding this hotbed of classic thrash metal sounds. Every song has a nice thrashy colour, and the overall sound is very tasty, but the album doesn’t really contain monumental-5-minute-headbang-instant-classics. But hey, this is a first full length drill (even though it is beyond doubt that this birth is the reward of lots of hard work and the musical ideas definitely are well thought-out). In brief, “From Nowhere to No One” is a solid piece of groovemetal work that will bring the listener to supposed lost thrash nostalgia.
I’m gonna spin this CD frequently the coming weeks, that’s for sure!
1. To Anyone from Anywhere
2. Master of Men
3. Antihuman Brigade
4. Dead Seed
5. The Yellow Path
6. All the Dreams Are Torn
7. Emptiness
8. Remorse
9. By My Own
10. The Media Lies
11. Murdering Post
12. Bag of Fools
Review by Hamirubi.
The complete review:
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