Wednesday, June 29, 2011

EVIL ONE: Searching For A New Bass Player

On the last week the bassist from EVIL ONE, Loustic, leaves the band.

Fabien "Speedos"(drums), anounces which the French trhashers from EVIL ONE are searching for a new bassist and the upcoming dates still confirmed.

PAIN OF SOUL: Lançando novo disco em Blumenal/SC, 16/07

Lançamento do novo disco do PAIN OF SOUL "The Cold Lament" será no Donna D Bar, em Blumenau/SC, dia 16 de julho.

HOTROAD: New Review on Foedus Aeturnus (France)

HOTROAD get a new review on Foedus Aeternus "8/10"
 (In French, but one of the best).
You can find new pics of the band at:
They already finished their recording of their second album and are searching a label to record and produce it!

Friday, June 24, 2011


Hey folks!
We're gonna support Death Angel on Friday, July 8th in Flensburg, Germany @ "Roxy Music Hall"!! Get your cheap tickets at our official store:

As some of you probably know, Hellion Records confirmed us as another band at the infamous "Headbangers Open Air" Festival in the end of July. Would be great to see some of you there as well...

We're now looking for a great label to sign us... send your offers, the next album will be recorded in September/October! Stay tund and SPREAD THE WORD AND MADNESS!

Join us at our sites...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

DRUNKARD (Greece, thrash metal) is featured in "Raise The Fist Of The Metal Child"

Drunkard is featured in "Raise The Fist Of The Metal Child" internet show as the band of this week! Here you can listen and download the whole show including Drunkard music and more: 
What is more check the updated facebook fan page of the band here:
New tracks,videos and photos uploaded! Enjoy!
Take care!
John (Drunkard)

Thursday, June 16, 2011


After "Holiday in Abu Ghraib" video, the Brazilian band will release another one, and the new video clip, is to the "Storms" song,  which is also present in the latest album AEquilibrium.
Produced by Studio Kaiowas, ( ) this video features images taken during the AEquilibrium recording sessions made at Norcal Studios, mixed with outdoor scenes.
“The video is great. It seems to me like some kind of tribute to Aequilibrium era, showing everybody recording the album and scenes off stage...On the future, everytime we’re watching the video, we’ll remember all those moments… cool.” Said the drummer Amilcar Christófaro.
The video clip premier will be at Kaiowas Fest on July 18, 2011 in Jundiai/SP and 19 July worldwide by internet.
Check out the teaser from the video clip

Versão em português

Após "Holiday in Abu Ghraib", a banda TORTURE SQUAD lançará mais um video clipe do disco AEquilibrium, e desta vez, para a música "Storms".
Com produção do Studio Kaiowas ( ),  esse vídeo contém imagens feitas durante a gravação do álbum Aequilibrium no Norcal Studios, com cenas externas.
“Esse clipe está bem legal. Pra mim ficou um tipo de tributo a época do AEquilibrium, mostrando a gente gravando o disco, com cenas extra palco...No futuro a gente vai assistir e lembrar bem da época do disco...muito legal. “ Diz o batera Amilcar Christófaro.
O lançamento oficial do  vídeo clipe no Brasil será no Kaiowas Fest, dia 18 de junho, em Jundiaí / SP, e mundialmente dia 19 de junho pela internet.
Confira o Teaser do clipe

REZET (German, thrash metal) - News

Hey folks, here's some update for you.
First off: Thanks to all the people who came to our last shows, you guys rule... great parties!

- We're gonna support the mighty DEATH ANGEL in Flensburg, Germany @ the "Roxy Music Hall"! Buy your tickets at our store (the cheap way):

- Hellion Records confirmed us as the last band for the "Headbangers Open Air 2011", thank you!

- We're now working on a live album and hope to release it in late Summer this year!

- New songs have been written and we're playing some of this vicous tunes live! The quest of a great label has begun, we're gonna record the second album in September this year!

AND: New T-shirts are coming very soon! Stay tuned!!

Stay heavy,
Ricky / Rezet

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Desecrated Sphere Newsletter #5: June/2011

Você deve ter estranhado que "pulamos" o mês de Maio em nossas newsletters. A resposta é simples, estávamos preparando o lançamento do vídeo clipe "Gospel is Dead", primeiro na videografia da banda, preparando nosso merchandise oficial (!) e recebendo os primeiros feedbacks do nosso debut álbum "The Unmasking Reality".
Veremos então o que temos para este mês:

Video Clipe Desecrated Sphere - Gospel is Dead
Nós disponibilizamos no Youtube e nossos canais oficiais o primeiro video clipe oficial, a faixa Gospel Is Dead do recém lançado álbum The Unmasking Reality.O clipe foi filmado em HD (Alta Definição) em uma fundição de alumínio e foi dirigido e produzido por Tomaz Ribeiro e Área Livre Produtora.Você pode assistir o vídeo no seguinte link:
"O fato de termos trabalhado com Tomaz (que também foi produtor de nosso álbum) nos favoreceu muito porque ele conhece cada detalhe de nossa música, assim soube encaixar cada parte do jeito que desejávamos e isso nos deixou extremamente contentes com o resultado final. Temos certeza que o video clipe vai agradar aos fãs e nos abrir muitas portas. Do cenário à iluminação até às imagens rápidas e intensas, como nossa música, esse video mostra com clareza a técnica e brutalidade da banda." - Comentou o vocalista Renato Sgarbi.

Desecrated Sphere e selo DigmetalWorld trabalhando juntos em lançamento do álbum em formato digital.
Desecrated Sphere, em acordo com o selo online DigMetalWorld, está distribuindo seu debut álbum em formato digital, você pode fazer download do mesmo via: iTunes: Amazon MP3:
ou diretamente em

Novo merchandise disponível:
Nós temos camisetas "The Unmasking Reality" (importadas), disponíveis em todos os tamanhos, e camiseta logo "Desecrated Sphere", também em todos os tamanhos e baby-look. Temos também o CD "The Unmasking Reality" pronto para envio. Todos os itens estão disponíveis via encomenda diretamente com a banda, paypal é aceito para pagamentos internacionais.Fotos e preços do merchandise podem ser vistos em nossas páginas oficiais do facebook e myspace: e E também no perfil do Orkut da banda.Encomendas pelos emails: ou

Distribuidores interessados em revender nosso merchandise são convidados a nos contactar: ou

Resenhas do álbum "The Unmasking Reality"
As primeiras impressões da mídia quanto à nosso debut album estão sendo muito positivas, e é gratificante para nós, tendo trabalhado duro para fazer esta gravação e lançamento independente. Certamente valeu a pena ter feito uma produção tão detalhadamente minuciosa e fizemos a escolha certa de profissionais pra trabalhar conosco.
Reviews na mídia nacional:No Webzine Novo Metal, 9.5 de 10, por Matheus Vieira: Revista Rock Post, Clique no link e faça download da revista em formato .pdf! Webzine Som Extremo, 9.3 de 10, por Christiano K.O.D.A.: Espanhol:No (Chile) por Andres Soto: breve serão publicadas muitas mais resenhas, tanto nacionais quanto internacionais.

Próximos Shows:
Sábado 11/06/2011 V Força Metal no Paulistânia Rock Bar, Ribeirão Preto - SP
Domingo 29/06/2011 Noite Autoral no Sebastian Bar, Campinas - SP

- Nos vemos na estrada!
Desecrated Sphere, 10/06/2011

Desecrated Sphere Newsletter #5: June/2011

Desecrated Sphere - Gospel is Dead Video Clip
We've made available through youtube and our official channels the first official video clip from the The Unmasking Reality album, from the track Gospel is Dead.The video was shot in High Definition in an aluminum foundry, and was produced and directed by Área Livre Produtora and Tomaz Ribeiro.You can watch the video at the following link:
"The fact of having worked with Tomaz (which also produced our album) was very favourable because he knows every detail from our songs, thus he knew how to edit every scene the way we envisioned, that made us completely satisfied with the final result. We're sure that the video clip will please the fans and open us many doors. From the scenery to the lightning, the fast and intense images, like our music, this video shows with clarity the technicality and brutality from the band." - Commented vocalist Renato Sgarbi.

Desecrated Sphere and DigMetalWorld working together in digital CD launch
Desecrated Sphere, in agreement with online label DigMetalWorld, is distributing digitally the debut album, you can download it via:iTunes: Amazon MP3:
or directly at

New merchandise available:
We have new "The Unmasking Reality" T-shirts, available all sizes, and "Desecrated Sphere" logo T-shirt, available all sizes too, this one incl. girlie tees. We have also the CD "The Unmasking Reality ready for shipping. All these items are available thru mailorder directly with the band, paypal accepted for international payments. Photos from the merchandise can be seen at our official facebook and myspace pages: or via email: ou

Distributors interested in reselling our merch are welcome to contact us at: or

"The Unmasking Reality" Album Media Feedback:
The first feedback from the media on our debut album is being very positive, and it's flattering for us, having worked so hard to make this recording and independent launch. It was certainly worth to make a so minucious and through production and we've made the right choice of professionals who worked with us. 

Reviews in Portuguese: 
@ Novo Metal Webzine 9.5 out of 10, by Matheus Vieira: Rock Post Magazine, click the following link to download the mag in .pdf format! Som Extremo Webzine, 9.3 out of 10, by Christiano K.O.D.A.: Spanish:@ by Andres Soto: owe you a review in English at this time ;) but don't be worried, we will have soon some reviews from U.S.A. More reviews from South America and Europe will follow, too.

Desecrated Sphere upcoming concert dates:
11/06/2011 V Força Metal @ Paulistânia Rock Bar - Ribeirão Preto, SP / Brazil
29/06/2011 Noite Autoral @ Sebastian Bar - Campinas, SP / Brazil 

- Thank you for your time and support!
Desecrated Sphere, 10/06/2011

Monday, June 6, 2011


A banda de death metal paulista VOMEPOTRO anuncia sua primeira tour na Europa em setembro deste ano ao lado dos Finlandeses do INFERIA em parceria com a Insano Booking. A tour começará na Alemanha passará por países como República Tcheca, Polônia, Áustria, Croácia, Romênia, Hungria entre outros somando um total de pouco mais de 20 shows; no entanto o guitarrista Kleber Martinez decidiu não ir por alguns compromissos pessoais e  será substituído pelo guitarrista David Ferreira (Corporal Sores) que estará na banda até o fim do ano, o Vomepotro segue divulgando seu mais recente álbum “Liturgy of dissection” além de compor material para o terceiro cd e voltando aos palcos no segundo semestre onde volta a se apresentar na capital Paulista, Curitiba/PR e interior de São Paulo antes da respectiva tour.

Para maiores informações acesse:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


ASTAFIX FAZ SHOWS NA ARGENTINA                                                                               
Banda toca pela primeira vez no país

A banda de metal Astafix fará dois shows na Argentina no mês de junho. O primeiro, no dia 11, será dentro do South American Sludge, festival de heavy metal e rock que acontecerá no Teatro Colegiales, palco que recebe vários shows internacionais em Buenos Aires. O Astafix tocará ao lado de nomes latinos do rock pesado como Dragonauta, Los Natas, Avernal, Banda de la Muerte e Bestiario (Argentina), Hielo Negro (Chile) e Guachass (Uruguai). No dia 15, o Astafix mostra aos “hermanos” o peso do rock brasileiro em um show exclusivo no The Roxy Bar.
"Estamos ansiosos para tocar na Argentina, é muito importante divulgar o metal do Brasil em outros países”, acredita Wally. “Os fãs argentinos amam o metal brasileiro. Quando o assunto é música, não há rivalidade entre os países - já temos muitos fãs na Argentina, e isso é muito gratificante”, completa.
No dia 18 de junho, a banda também toca em Caxias do Sul (RS), no Vagão Bar (

Quando: 11 de junho de 2011
Onde: Teatro Colegiales - Av Federico Lacroze 3455. Buenos Aires – Argentina -
Site oficial Festival:
Quando: 15 de junho de 2011
Onde: The Roxy Bar - Gorriti 5568 – Libertador. Buenos Aires – Argentina.A banda Astafix é formada por Wally (vocal e guitarra), Ayka (baixo), Paulo Schroeber (guitarra) e Thiago Caurio (bateria).
MySpace oficial Astafix:


Desecrated Sphere's first official video clip! Reviews and more infos...

Desecrated Sphere's first official video clip!
The Technical Death Metal band Desecrated Sphere made available through youtube and their official channels the first official video clip from the The Unmasking Reality album, the track chosen for the video was Gospel is Dead.
The video was shot in High Definition in an aluminum foundry, and was produced and directed by Área Livre Produtora and Tomaz Ribeiro.
You can watch the video at the following link:
"The fact of having worked with Tomaz (which also produced our album) was very favourable because he knows every detail from our songs, thus he knew how to edit every scene the way we envisioned, that made us completely satisfied with the final result. We're sure that the video clip will please the fans and open us many doors. From the scenery to the lightning, the fast and intense images, like our music, this video shows with clarity the technicality and brutality from the band." Comments vocalist Renato Sgarbi.
The Unmasking Reality was launched in Brazil 04/23/2011 and is receiving great praise from the specialized media.

Primeiro vídeo oficial do Desecrated Sphere
A banda de Technical Death Metal Desecrated Sphere acaba de disponibilizar no youtube e seus canais de divulgação seu primeiro video clipe oficial, a faixa escolhida foi Gospel Is Dead do recém lançado álbum  The Unmasking Reality.
O clipe foi filmado em HD (Alta Definição) em uma fundição de alumínio e foi dirigido e produzido por Tomaz Ribeiro e Area Livre Produtora.
Você pode assistir o vídeo no seguinte link:
"O fato de termos trabalhado com Tomaz (que também foi produtor de nosso álbum) nos favoreceu muito porque ele conhece cada detalhe de nossa música, assim soube encaixar cada parte do jeito que desejávamos e isso nos deixou extremamente contentes com o resultado final. Temos certeza que o video clipe vai agradar aos fãs e nos abrir muitas portas. Do cenário à iluminação até às imagens rápidas e intensas, como nossa música, esse video mostra com clareza a técnica e brutalidade da banda." Comenta o vocalista Renato Sgarbi.
The Unmasking Reality foi lançado dia 23/04/2011 e vem recebendo ótimas críticas da mídia especializada.
Desecrated Sphere's The Unmasking Reality album in digital format!
Desecrated Sphere, in agreement with online label DigMetalWorld, is distributing digitally their debut album, you can download it via iTunes: or directly at
Desecrated Sphere - The Unmasking Reality em formato digital!
Desecrated Sphere, em acordo com o selo online DigMetalWorld, está distribuindo seu debut álbum em formato digital, você pode fazer download do mesmo via iTunes: ou diretamente em
The Unmasking Reality - nota 9.5 de 10 no webzine Novometal
Review do álbum The Unmasking Reality por Matheus Vieira no site, nota 9.5! Leia a resenha no seguinte link:

HOTROAD (Switzerland, thrash metal) announces the new CD to sale in online stores!

"INSANITY" is now available on:

- Itunes: Click here!
- Amazon: Click here!
- Emusic: Click here!  

Check out:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

ASTAFIX na coletanea Horns Up Attack Vol.2

Segunda compilação da revista HORNSUP com 18 faixas em mp3 de bandas brasileiras e portuguesas distribuidas gratuitamente.
Está programado para junho de 2011 o lançamento oficial do DVD "Astafix Live in São Paulo", pelo Selo Voice Music. Confiram a banda:

THE SEED, new shows!!!

Following the show will take place on June the 3th in the Sala Hebe from Madrid (Spain). We can confirm that THE SEED will be playing also on June the 4th in the Sala La Cueva from Benidorm - Alicante (Spain), with Human Ashtray and Big Chocolate. More info about the bands in the next links:



TERRA PRIMA está tentando uma vaga no ROCK IN RIO!!!

Dêem uma olhada no Perfil do Terra Prima para o OLHA MINHA BANDA - Caldeirão do Huck! Vale uma vaga para o Rock in Rio. Foi adicionado agora um vídeo bem legal falando sobre a história do Terra Prima.
VOTEM SIM! Não dura nem 10 segundos essa votação!


TORTURE SQUAD - Music Video Premiere: Holiday in Abu Ghraib

The band Torture Squad will release a new video clip for "Holiday In Abu Ghraib" song at Carioca Club in São Paulo in May 22 and in 23 worlwide on the internet.
This video was produced by Neuron Comunicação & Marketing, same producer which worked in the video clip for the song "Living For The Kill" of the previous album Hellbound. It will be the first video from the latest CD Aequilibrium, and it talks about the U.S.military recruits torturing Iraqi prisoners at the Abu Ghraib

Torture Squad is still on Aequilibrium’s tour. For more infos check out
Neuron Comunicação & Marketing  -

REZET NEWS! thrashers from Germany

We're now looking for a label to switch over, that will take care of us and our next releases! Our second album will be recorded from September and plans are to release it in the end of the year! We're also looking for someone to release our live material from our Tour, killer stuff that we've recorded! It seems that WAR PRODUCTIONS from Portugal will release the live album on tape and we're still looking for another label to release it on vinyl or maybe CD... REZET will go for everyone's throat, the new material will crush all heads!!!

ReverbNation Profile:
Myspace Profile:
Faceook Profile:

MORDETH juntamente com a Mega Therion Records lançará material exclusivo na Europa

O cd "ROBOTICDREAMS" terá uma edição limitada de 500 cópias + camiseta oficial pela "Mega Therion Recs".

Obs: A Mega Therion estará disponibilizando o material somente para a Europa, em comemoração a tour européia do MORDETH, a qual será ao lado da banda sueca THOTH.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Another news for EVIL ONE 's frenchies !

Another news for EVIL ONE 's frenchies !

New show ! Exclusive !!

EVIL ONE will play in a Cinema "UTOPIA" (Saint ouen l'Aumone, 95310 FRANCE), during the Spinal Tap Movie Night, on Friday the 24th, June 2011 !!!!

EVIL ONE (France, Thrash Metal)

Amilcar Christófaro (Torture Squad) - Article on Modern Drummer Magazine

The drummer Amilcar Christófaro is once again representing thrash/death metal on the magazine Modern Drummer Brasil, this time with highlights on the 101st issue of it.

The article contains seven pages of exclusive content about the drummer: description of his drum set, transcriptions of some of his fills on certain AEquilibrium songs commented by Amilcar, and also a dynamic and easy reading interview which addresses all the composing and recording process of the Torture Squad’s latest album, among other topics.

Conducted by Cristiano Lucas, the reporting will please not only drummers, but musicians and fans as a whole, because of its interesting and easy way of talking about technical issues.

Check the cover of this Modern Drummer Brasil edition on the link below for the official magazine MySpace:

DESECRATED SPHERE (brazilian death metal) behind the scenes video from the videoshoot...

Desecrated Sphere, which has just launched their first CD "The Unmasking Reality" is also on process of editing their first music video, scheduled to be launched this month of May! 

The track chosen was Gospel is Dead, from the aforementioned album. A brutal song, with great musicianship showed from all members of the band, from the monstruous vocals, outstanding chorus, intense drumming with hyper-fast blast-beats, technical and heavy-as-hell guitar riffs and memorable bass and guitar leads.

You can check a behind the scenes video from the videoshoot, while the official clip is not released on the following link:

NUCLEAR (Chilean thrashers) "Jehovirus" is available now through Code7 Distribution...

The latest release "Jehovirus" is available now through Code7 Distribution, one of the most important distros all over Europe. Check out:

REZET (German thrashers, Live in Wakefield, UK...check now!!!

REZET are now working on their new material that will follow on their second album.
The album wil be probably released in late 2011, the band is still looking for the
new, right label!
Watch the last show of their GUNFIRE OVER EUROPE April Tour in Wakefield, UK online:

Drunkard's debut album Hellish Metal Dominate is now available in itunes and amazon...

Drunkard's debut album Hellish Metal Dominate is now available in itunes and amazon...

Check the following links:

Monday, May 9, 2011

WINTERHORDE (Israel, black metal) will perform at OST Moutain FEST

WINTERHORDE (Israel, black metal, will perform at OST Moutain FEST, in Rasnov , Romania on 22-24.07.11. Along such bands as SAMAEL, KEEP OF KALESIN and FEN.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

ELM STREET (thrash metal) have just completed a run of shows around Victoria, Australia

“Elm Street have just completed a run of shows around Victoria, Australia which included support slots with some of Australia’s best heavy metal bands such as Mortal Sin, Black Majesty and saw our first trek to country Victorian town Bendigo with a headline show.

In celebration of these successful shows the debut album ‘Barbed Wire Metal’ is now available for digital download at and physical copies are available at

The next few months will see more shows around Australia in support of the album including a support show with huge rockers Airbourne on their upcoming Australian tour.
All dates can be found at

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

REZET (German thrashers) finished their GUNFIRE OVER EUROPE Tour!!!

Some news about REZET:
We've finished our GUNFIRE OVER EUROPE Tour and got home safe. Thanks go out to our great crew and all the fans, especially the ones from England!
We're now looking for a label that will pick us up, our album HAVE GUN, WILL TRAVEL is almost sold out and rarely to get now! We're now preparing new stuff for our second album with a new label, we're going to rehearse through May and play some shows in the Summer of 2011. Then we will record our album and tour European cities again!
New songs are already written and played live, there are some great live recordings of the GUNFIRE OVER EUROPE April tour. We will spread some of them, so look out! Maybe we will even release a record or something including the live material.
(You can find the tour pictures and so on on our facebook)
Thank you!
Ricky / Rezet